Signage audit – abrdn

We provide a range of marketing, production, and signage audit services to abrdn, formerly Standard Life Aberdeen. Exterior signage is often the first touchpoint a visitor has when visiting a retail or industrial park, and it sets expectations for their experience. The job of signage is to welcome, to inform, to guide, and to protect – not to mention setting a good first impression! 

The challenge

The client required a large-scale signage audit to be carried out at a selection of its industrial parks. The challenge was to understand the journey each visitor takes in order to improve the effectiveness and condition of signage. This was an extensive job that needed a trusted specialist team – Whitewall 

The solution

Our production manager, with the support of an experienced account manager, travelled UK-wide to carry out each audit in person. Their goal was to ensure a full understanding of the presentation of each area, the visitor experience, and the consistency of messaging across all parks. In this way, we audited every sign at each park – both in daytime and after dark (which brought its own challenges!) – including tenant visits as required. 

The results

The end result was a comprehensive report for every industrial park containing well-informed recommendations. Clear results from each audit informed specific suggestions for improvement and equipped our client with the tools to agree an action plan with managing agents. 
  • We compiled a separate audit document for each industrial park with detailed observations on the visitor journey, condition of the site and signage along with wellbeing and ESG provisions.  
  • We provided detailed recommendations on how to improve the visitor journey with general maintenance, signage upgrades and wellbeing opportunities.  
  • We considered environmental and cost implications, repurposing existing signage where possible. 
  • Liaison with managing agents helped with the design and implementation of new signage with agreed suppliers. 

Looking for an agency that can provide a professional signage audit? 

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