Everyone has a brand. Even if you don’t know it yet, you’ll almost certainly have a way in which you communicate, know the things your business stands for, and the reasons you do what you do…
Do you know your CMYK from your RGB? Or your paper stocks, foils, bindings, sizes, delivery times and implementation… print production is tricky if you don’t know the vocab or have a printer who cuts through the jargon to guide you through the maze.
Our design team have their very own, in-house, print production expert and we are well and truly palled up with our super printer partners. What does this mean? We’ll make it all simple. Tell us what you want, what it needs to look like and we’ll translate the jargon, get you a proof, print to deadline and all you need to worry about is giving us a call to tell us how much you love it in situ. Sound good?